Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I wont inundate anyone with pushes to access my small attempt at a business, but I might discuss the steps that I went through to get as far as I have. All I will say now is that you do not have to spend any money to help me out and it only takes a few minutes. If you need help with the process, feel free to contact me and ask for help, but I will warn you that I am leaning myself, and that if I could figure out how to get this far than anyone can. Please try it out and maybe you could end up making a little money for yourself along the way!
Turning over a new leaf I have decided to explore the mysterious world of internet/online information. I have had small excursions such as joining myspace and facebook, playing online games occasionally and even had two email accounts. But know I am trying to figure out how all of this works. It does not come naturally to me, but I hope to learn. Difficult financial maters have escalated my attempts to establish alternative sources of income. I have joined an online empire and will try to make some small money associating my personal blog with my monetary endeavors. If you have any suggestions on how I could further my attempts, I would love to explore any options open to me. Please be patient with my learning speed,